Winter writing paper
Writing A College Application Essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Exacavation Report Tel Dan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exacavation Report Tel Dan - Essay Example The principal notice of Dan is in Genesis, 14:14, when Lot was abducted by furnished men, thus Abram pursued them up to Dan, a city initially called Laish or Leshem. Dan-Laish was established in the fifth thousand years BC. It was a prosperous city, with a slanting earth bulwark and mud-block triple-angled entryway as guard, which permitted the occupants to have a sense of security and secure. Biran construed that the considerable inclining earth bulwark with a door was the one Abraham saw when he came to the city2. So much has been said of the Tel Dan puzzles that in 1966 paleontologist Avraham Biran started burrowing the site for its mysteries. Biran focused on scriptural archaic exploration, with the two significant controls, archeological examination and scriptural investigations, as the base for their unearthings and endeavors. These made a constructive outcome on their work3. A significant disclosure is the place of David engraving. This is a ninth century BCE triumph explanation in Aramaic language and recorded on a basalt stone. The engraving is credited to an Aramaic ruler Hazael of Damascus, who vanquished the city of Dan around the 840s, designed the engraving in an open spot to show his capacity and power over the city. At the point when the Israelites recovered the city, they torn and separated the engraving and reused it as development material. Archeologists drove by Avraham Biran so far found three sections of the engravings, which they found inside the dividers of the external gate4. The engraving discloses to us that the Aramaic lord slaughtered the rulers of Israel (Joram) and Judah (Ahaziah). In any case, this is in opposition to the writings in the second Book of Kings, Chapter 9, where Jehu killed Joram, ruler of Israel, and Ahaziah, lord of Judah. These are two fascinating inconsistencies that should be explained, most likely with the assistance of future finds at Tel Dan. The engravings were found in three pieces, all found in a similar general region of Tel
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Portrayal of Native Americans in Film Essay -- Native American Stereot
At the point when Columbus initially set foot in the New World, he accepted that he had shown up in the islands simply off the shoreline of Cipango, referred to today as China. Thinking this, he considered the individuals that he met Indians, as they lived on the islands that he erroneously accepted were the Indies. The term Indian spread back to Europe, as did the term Indies, and right up 'til today, Native Americans are known as Indians, and the Caribbean islands are alluded to as the West Indies. The Indians populated an a lot more prominent territory than Columbus could have envisioned, covering the place that is known for two Continents. The Native individuals of these grounds, known as of now by a term in their dialects that generally signified the individuals, were presently tossed into one huge gathering called Indians, which extended about post to shaft. The Indians were a concocted people. The spot they possessed was not the Indies, and their way of life changed from clan to clan. The Indian in film is likewise a designed populace of individuals. No qualification among the real world and the creative mind are made in these films. The depiction of the Native American, and the Native American lifestyles were shown inaccurately in film, and distorted the picture of the Native American according to all Americans, particularly their relatives. The films considered change, from those managing Columbus' first experience with these entrancing individuals, up all the way to the finish of the nineteenth century. The movies saw include: 1492 (1992), Christopher Columbus (1985), Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992), The Last of The Mohicans (1992), Apache (1954), Dances With Wolves (1990), Crazy Horse (1996), A Man Called Horse (1970), A Man Called Horse III (1982), Soldier Blue (1970), Buffalo Bill and The Indians (1976), and Black Robe (1991). Th... ... L. Local American Images and Stereotypes. 1996. ~1.html Web Movie Database. Last of the Mohicans, The. Dir. Michael Mann. With Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeline Stowe. twentieth Century Fox. 1992. 122 min. Crucial. Dir. Roland Joffe. With Jeremy Irons and Robert Deniro. Warner. 1986. 125 min. Pathfinder, The. Dir. Donald Shabib. With Kevin Dillon and Graham Greene. Calfskin Stocking. 1996. 84 min. Fighter Blue. Dir. Ralph Nelson. With Candice Bergen and Peter Strauss. AVCO. 1970. 114 min. Spence, Lewis. Fantasies and Legends of the North American Indians. London: George G. Harrap and Company, 1914. Tecumseh. Dir. Larry Elikann. With Jesse Borrego. 1995. Wilson, Samuel M. Hispaniola: Caribbean Chiefdoms in the Age of Columbus. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press,1990. Depiction of Native Americans in Film Essay - Native American Stereot At the point when Columbus initially set foot in the New World, he accepted that he had shown up in the islands simply off the bank of Cipango, referred to today as China. Thinking this, he considered the individuals that he met Indians, as they lived on the islands that he dishonestly accepted were the Indies. The term Indian spread back to Europe, as did the term Indies, and right up 'til the present time, Native Americans are known as Indians, and the Caribbean islands are alluded to as the West Indies. The Indians populated an a lot more noteworthy territory than Columbus could have envisioned, covering the place that is known for two Continents. The Native individuals of these grounds, known as of now by a term in their dialects that generally signified the individuals, were presently tossed into one huge gathering called Indians, which extended about post to shaft. The Indians were an imagined people. The spot they possessed was not the Indies, and their way of life differed from clan to clan. The Indian in film is likewise a concocted populace of individuals. No differentiation among the real world and the creative mind are made in these films. The depiction of the Native American, and the Native American lifestyles were shown inaccurately in film, and twisted the picture of the Native American according to all Americans, particularly their relatives. The films examined differ, from those managing Columbus' first experience with these intriguing individuals, up all the way to the finish of the nineteenth century. The movies saw include: 1492 (1992), Christopher Columbus (1985), Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992), The Last of The Mohicans (1992), Apache (1954), Dances With Wolves (1990), Crazy Horse (1996), A Man Called Horse (1970), A Man Called Horse III (1982), Soldier Blue (1970), Buffalo Bill and The Indians (1976), and Black Robe (1991). Th... ... L. Local American Images and Stereotypes. 1996. ~1.html Web Movie Database. Last of the Mohicans, The. Dir. Michael Mann. With Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeline Stowe. twentieth Century Fox. 1992. 122 min. Crucial. Dir. Roland Joffe. With Jeremy Irons and Robert Deniro. Warner. 1986. 125 min. Pathfinder, The. Dir. Donald Shabib. With Kevin Dillon and Graham Greene. Calfskin Stocking. 1996. 84 min. Warrior Blue. Dir. Ralph Nelson. With Candice Bergen and Peter Strauss. AVCO. 1970. 114 min. Spence, Lewis. Fantasies and Legends of the North American Indians. London: George G. Harrap and Company, 1914. Tecumseh. Dir. Larry Elikann. With Jesse Borrego. 1995. Wilson, Samuel M. Hispaniola: Caribbean Chiefdoms in the Age of Columbus. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press,1990.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Commonwealth Essay Competition 2020
The Commonwealth Essay Competition 2020This year's Commonwealth essay competition is again to be held in Aberdeen. It seems only fitting that it should be done at the same venue as in years past, and once again I have been surprised by how good the Scottish writing can be. Last year it was unbelievable; this year there were some superb essays of a high standard.It has never been the case that only people from Scotland have ever won the top prize. You will see Scottish people competing and their voices are everywhere. The competition is now open to students from any country. So, even if you have only been studying English for a few weeks or maybe just a few months you can still enter.This year there has been a massive response from students from all over the world. The number of submissions has been too great to check it all, but some of the countries taking part include Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Iceland, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Po rtugal, Italy, France, and Argentina. Students from around the world are included and so this is a global competition.Each year the Commonwealth essay competition becomes more international. For the first time this year a member of an African nation has won the top prize. Her name is Miss Ghanaia Merbah Ondi and she lives in Cape Town, South Africa.I do not want to claim her as an African winner, but since she did win the award she is definitely listed here. If you look on her entry page, you will find out that she has two essays ready to be submitted.A call for African writers to submit essays is now made available to all the countries that participate in the Commonwealth essay competition. If you are interested in being part of this international community there is a form available online where you can fill out and send to the organizers.The judges for the Commonwealth competition are from all over the world. They range from students from Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Cambridge, Edinburg h, Sydney, Brasov, Wroclaw, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester and Victoria to teachers, journalists, academics, journalists, librarians, editors, lawyers, publicists, politicians, business managers, businesswomen, psychotherapists, psychologists, doctors, art experts, art therapists, mediators, story tellers, lawyers, and many others. The judges have been carefully chosen, selected and graded for excellence.It is hoped that this year the Commonwealth essay competition will be much bigger and better than ever before. The organizers are very pleased with the response from last year's entrants and are expecting a great turnout for this year's event.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay about Starbucks Delivering Customer Service †Case...
Preliminary Starbucks – one of the fastest growing companies in the US and in the world - had built its position on the market by connect with its customers, and create â€Å"third place†beside home and work, where people could relax and enjoy others or themselves. It was the motto of Starbucks’ owner Howard Schultz and mostly thanks to his philosophy; company has became the biggest coffee drink retailer in the world. However, within the new customer satisfaction report, there is shown some concerns, that company has lost the connection with customers and it must been taken some steps to help Starbucks to go back on the right path regarding customer satisfaction. I will briefly summarize and examine issues facing Starbucks. Starting from†¦show more content†¦The next exhibits show payroll structure and income volume per location in 2002 and product mix for North American company-operated stores. Exhibit 6 shows US retail coffee market predictions till 2005 years. It clearly shows changing in Americans’ coffee drinking style into specialty coffee. It is very important for Starbucks because company’s main market is specialty coffee. Next of the exhibits, shows positive customer snapshot scores for North America stores. Those snapshots suggest further company’s success. The only issue we can find is the product quality. According to the exhibit product quality went down during 3rd quarter of 2002. Exhibit 8 shows customer retention information. We can find from this data, that established customers and new customers are quite different in respect of education, income and attitudes toward Starbucks. According to the exhibit, customers who first visited Starbucks five years ago have higher degree of education and higher income level. Beside that, new Starbucks customers do not see it as a brand of high value, while established customers believe Starbucks to be brand they trust (50%), offering high quality product (51%). Next exhibit suggests, who customers visiting Starbucks stores often, are more satisfied, than customers who buy coffee from the company average four visits per month. Exhibit 10 informs us about importance of key attributes in customer satisfaction during 2002. According to thisShow MoreRelatedStarbucks Case Study Analysis1304 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study Analysis: Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service Anitra Joiner Marketing 300C.1 Dr. Laura Pogue May 29, 2011 Specialty-coffeehouse culture is well interwoven into the fabric of American society at this point and we can thank Starbucks for ushering in the phenomenon. Back when three coffee connoisseurs assembled to open the first Starbucks store in Seattle, I’m sure they could not imagine its behemoth future. 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But what started as a way for Starbucks, a leading specialty coffee company, to add value to its existing Starbucks Card program developed into a financial product that many other institutions are interested in exploringRead MoreLarry Page : Skills Approach Leader889 Words  | 4 Pagesin 1973, Larry’s page parents are computer expert. He’s father was a pioneer in computer science and artificial intelligence, and he’s mother taught computer programming. But even though he come from a computer family background, he work for it. He study and develop this search engine Before he established the google company, he raise first a fund through family, friends, and investor. He then launched, together with his co-founder Sergey Brin the company in 1998 with a 1 million dollar capital. By
Friday, May 15, 2020
Teaching A Child Respect And Self Control From A Young Age
In order to understand how teaching a child respect and self-control from a young age can affect sexual assault rates, it is important to first note how much a role alcohol plays in the occurrence of sexual assault and the types of rapists currently profiled today, in addition to what victimization and revictimization mean. According to Abbey, Buck, Clinton, McAuslan, and Zawacki s research published in 2001, Alcohol and Sexual Assault, despite how often â€Å"alcohol consumption and sexual assault frequently co-occur, this phenomenon does not prove that alcohol use causes sexual assault. [In fact they found that], in some cases, the desire to commit a sexual assault may actually cause alcohol consumption†such as when an individual consumes alcohol prior to committing sexual assault in order to justify the behavior. Victims do not drink in order to get raped, or dress a certain way to ask another person to rape them, or ever give permission for another to rape them when they are unconscious. It is important to remember that the only reason rape happens is because a perpetrator is there, someone wants to take advantage of another individual. Rapists are often known to their victims, not a stranger. Rapists are often men in their late teens to about 25 years old (Seth 137-141). They are often married with young children and holding down respectable jobs. These individuals are often insecure, however they often have average or above-average intelligence (137-141).Show MoreRelatedEssay On Sports And Sports725 Words  | 3 Pagesbeing far greater than most can imagine. From their mental and physical development, to their bright futures, sports play an important role in a young boy or girl’s lifetime. Specifically, tennis is one of the best sports to support the development and futures of children. The future of a child is very important and it is critical that it does not become endangered by negative factors. From the early years of their life, kids can learn and develop from sports. Some essential tools like fairnessRead MoreThe Teaching Philosophy of Exceptional Children Essay869 Words  | 4 PagesThe teaching philosophy of exceptional children: My teaching career has been spent learning how to provide appropriate support, guidance, patience, understanding, as well as to enhance academic growth success, for all students. My purpose as a teacher is to enrich and inspire the lives of young students with moderate/intensive needs by providing access to information instead of functioning as the primary source of information for students to flourish. My teaching methods will be to create anRead MoreEssay about Teaching Children Respect1716 Words  | 7 PagesTeaching Children Respect Americans has placed too much responsibility on schools and teachers. Parents need to take command of the moral development of their children, starting with the issue of respect. Respect starts at an early age. You teach a child to say thank you, no thank you, and please. These are normal and common first steps to respect and are considered being manner able. Most parents expect there children to use these courteous phrases to them, their selves, the parent. Read MoreChildrens Etiquette1490 Words  | 6 Pagesteachers. Teaching manners must start early as children as young as nine might never be able to learn good manners. Parents must set a good example for their children and surround themselves with people who have similar values. All three articles where from different states. The first one was from a teacher in Canton, Ohio; the second from the University of Florida News and the third was from the Philadelphia Inquirer. The first article discussed the lack of manners from today’s young generationRead MoreChildren Should Start At An Early Age1166 Words  | 5 Pagesthe appropriate way to raise a child is complicated. Being a parent is one of the most challenging task but very rewarding experience in life. I can say this because I’m a parent myself. I know what it takes to be a mother of 3 kid’s ages: 7, 4 and 3 years old. Providing their basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter are main responsibilities of a parent but teaching them good manners and right conduct is very important as well. Discipline is a form of teaching our children. When disciplineRead MoreThe Teaching Philosophy of Exceptional Children1379 Words  | 6 PagesThe teaching philosophy of exceptional children: My teaching career has been spent learning how to provide appropriate support, guidance, patience, understanding, as well as to enhance academic growth success, for all students. My purpose as a teacher is to enrich and inspire the lives of young students with moderate/intensive needs by providing access to information instead of functioning as the primary source of information for students to flourish. My teaching methods will be to createRead MoreThe Effects Of Prejudice On Children And Young People1502 Words  | 7 Pagespeople that is based upon lack of understanding or incorrect information. It is making assumptions about children and young people because they belong to a particular group. Prejudiced attitudes can all too often be found among children, even at a very young age. Research has shown that children are capable of holding prejudices and negative attitudes towards others from the age of three. There are so many pressures on children to fit in and to conform with expected appearances and behaviour thatRead More Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay901 Words  | 4 Pagesstyle. When teaching, I will remember and understand that students are children, not small adults. They will try my patience and understanding, then test the limits of my indulgence. My approach to teaching leans toward the essentialism. The student is there to learn what they need to know so they can become self-reliant adults. I want to be a teacher who under stands that all students have the capacity to learn. I have children of my own and though they are very different from each otherRead MoreThe Three R s Of Good Parenting1028 Words  | 5 PagesRelationship, Respect, and Responsibility. Parenting: from dressing, teaching, disciplining, to simply supporting a child, there are technically no right or wrong ways to provide care. Although there may not be a correct way, most, if not all, parents have been or will be criticized at some point because of their decisions in parenting. So what exactly makes someone good at parenting? A mother, father, or caregiver who exercises good parenting fosters a healthy relationship with the child, demonstratesRead MoreMy Teaching Strategy For Students1394 Words  | 6 Pagesunique and are unique learners. Although some may categorize children into auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners, I believe that there is much more to a child learning than placing each child under a specific category. Part of my job as a teacher is to discover throughout the year how each individual student learns best. Part of my teaching strategy for my students includes using not only cooperative learning activities, but also individual learning activ ities as well. An example of my large learning
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance Of School Uniforms - 1839 Words
Everyone has different views on school uniforms. People feel as if they have to be on either side but are unsure why. One can agree it could be a positive thing or a negative thing or in between it depends on the parents and students. Uniforms are not for everyone but for some it’s perfect. Uniforms prevent inappropriate clothing, as far as unfitting logos or gang related colors or attire. Uniforms have been linked to better behavior in schools and in the prevention of distractions in class. However, uniforms violate the freedom of expression. Not all school districts require uniforms and students should have a say whether they would like to wear them or not. There is also the additional cost of the manufactures the school requires to wear†¦show more content†¦Some kids struggle with finding a group of kids to associate with maybe because of what their clothing looks like. Uniforms crosses that out. It would help with preventing bulling on one part because everyone es sentially is dressed the same. There would be no more who has the better shoes or style. â€Å"A study of over 1,000 Texas middle school students found that students in uniform reported significantly more positive perceptions of belonging in their school community than reported by students in the standard dress group. (, 2017). However, how is a child going to learn that when everyone looks the same. What message is that sending across? â€Å"We are proposing that everyone can only get along if everyone conforms to the same standards†(Hoofnagle 2012). From a child’s primary years, they explore and start becoming more creative. Call it thinking outside the box. Nothing is perfect and giving children the idea that everyone looking the same causes good behavior how will they look at the rest of the world. Some parents believe changing the way a child dresses to uniforms will end bullying. False. Addressing the problem head on is how to stop bullying. Bullying doesn’t only come from how other students are dressed but varies from the type of bully. The way to stop this comes from the adults surrounding the child, whether it be a teacher or the parents themselves. Bringing the issue to the students’ attention instead of making excuses for his or her behavior.Show MoreRelatedThe Impor tance Of School Uniforms955 Words  | 4 PagesFollowing a school dress code can cause an uncomfortable feeling , can be difficult for families and can decrease individual confidence. Would you like to wear a uniform that your school picked out for you every day and never get to be yourself? Uniforms in education should not be required in the United States unless they want to wear them. Barbara Cruz it might be a solution to help reduce bullying in and out of school (18). Uniforms don’t help students perform better in the classroom, and theyRead MoreImportance Of School Uniforms798 Words  | 4 Pagesto school on time? One way to achieve that is by having schools require their students to wear uniforms during school time. People have formed different opinions regarding uniforms in school. Some support and others oppose them. However, it should go back to the students. Many students in public schools have never tried school uniforms. These students, which include the maj ority, would not know if it is beneficial to have uniforms or not. Personally, I have been to different types of schools, eachRead MoreThe Importance Of Uniforms In Schools1503 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"More than 60% of schools in America have uniforms†(Dr. Laura Faulk). Although this statement is not true, more and more public schools in America are enforcing the use uniforms. Consequently, schools started requiring uniforms after former President Bill Clinton mentioned the topic in his 1996 State of the Union Speech (Wilde). This action caused an array of emotions because people do not want required clothes in their public schools. Some parents were for the push, however, other parents refusedRead MoreThe Importance Of School Uniforms990 Words  | 4 PagesI will prove that every school should have school uniforms.first off,school uniforms help improve focus.also,the grade point average of most students.lastly,helps stops bullying.Why my debate matters. School uniforms help improve focus.From an expert source â€Å"with no easy way to stand out among the crowd, students might find it worthwhile to do so the hard way by attention to their studies.†First off,without recognizing your friends it is easier to get to class on time and with all that time thinkRead MoreThe Importance Of School Uniforms1014 Words  | 5 Pagesclothing generally does not disrupt education in schools and therefore should have the right to choose their outfits. Students use clothing as an outlet for self-expression and as part of their identity. Advocates for uniforms are convinced that uniforms are effective, however; forcing students to wear uniforms has a negative impact on academic achievement. School uniforms are not beneficial to student’ education in the public school. School uniforms withhold students the opportunity to have creativityRead MoreThe Importance Of Uniforms In Schools813 Words  | 4 PagesStudents from schools with a uniform policy say that uniforms have affected the way they feel about themselves in an unsatisfactory way. Uniforms are proven to slow down the transition into becoming an adult because students are not used to choosing their own clothing. Wearing a uniform opens an opportunity for students to judge each other’s bodies based on how they look and it creates room for drama and bullying. The uniforms can also obstruct a student from expressing themselves. Schools should notRead MoreThe Importance Of School Uniforms In Schools1693 Words  | 7 Pagesprivate and public schools around America have a uniform policy. The idea of bringing uniforms to schools is an issue that has been discussed and argued about for many years. There are very few students who believe that uniforms should be required, and other student s just dislike the colors that come with them. Although uniforms have been known to make students look decent, there are many negative side effects that come with them. Some people think that a student wearing a uniform looks well and respectableRead MoreImportance Of School Uniforms Essay876 Words  | 4 Pagessomething to wear to school the next day? School uniforms are beneficial because first of all, with school uniforms students will fit in with their school and everyone. Second, school uniforms help schools recognize those who do and do not belong on campus. And third, they are cheaper than normal clothes. Some might think that they are boring, but the thing is that school have them in different colors which could make it fun for the students. The first reason why school uniforms are beneficial is becauseRead More The Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Essay1197 Words  | 5 PagesThe Importance of Uniforms in Public Schools Abstract: For a while, dress codes have been implemented in private and parochial schools across the county. It wasnt until more recent that the issue was brought to discussion about a dress code in public schools. Uniforms serve a purpose to the schools that are adapting the change in attire. The uniform dress code has helped make private and parochial schools more prestigious for their organization and the results of it. Uniforms would be beneficialRead MorePersuasive Speech On School Dress Code1316 Words  | 6 Pageswhat our first amendment speaks about. The freedom of speech and expression. Schools have been violating this law in the place of school dress codes. There should not be a dress code in school because it violates the first amendment, they do not support creativity and they are expensive. Dress codes violate the first amendment. Students should have the ability to express themselves as it is their right to do so, but schools are prohibiting them from being able to express themselves. In the article
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Case of a Nigerian Bus Company
Question: Describe about the Case Study of a Nigerian Bus Company? Answer: Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction According to Dysvik and Kuvaas (2010) employee motivation is a way of directing the employees in the positive direction for the better productivity as well as better efficiency in the workplace. It is essential to provide motivation to the employees since, it helps them to build up their morals and dignity that further assist them to work productively. Fernandez and Pitts (2011) had an opinion that motivation of the employees is a key to improve the performance. This research proposal will be dealing with the improvement of employee motivation in ABC Transport Plc which is a Nigerian bus company. 1.2 Research Aim This research proposal aims in improvement of the employees effectiveness and efficiency in their work. This can be done through positive motivation among the workforce. This proposal will be discussing the ways that the employees will be motivated for higher productivity in their work. 1.3 Background of the research In this highly spirited service industry each and every company are working hard to retain the customers as well as provide maximum satisfaction to the customers. For that the employees need to be retained as they are the persons who are providing the customers the satisfaction with their services. The researcher will be doing a vivid explanation regarding the research aim that describes the necessity and requirement of employee motivation. Along with this, the ways of motivating the employees are also discussed for the ease of the reader. 1.4 Background of the company ABC Transport Plc came into existence in 1993 that provides luxury bus services for road transportation. The company was so made in order to provide services to the travelers who are using this service as a substitute of air service. It operates both inside as well as outside Nigeria and the trademark of the company is Reindeer. 1.5 Research Objectives To understand the necessity of motivation in the workplace To analyze and discuss the ways of motivation in order to improve the productivity of the employees To understand how motivation affects the workplace culture 1.6 Research Problems With the expansion of the service industry, the companies sometimes carelessly overlook the employee satisfaction. This is because; the employees are the integral part of the organization and it is necessary for the company to motivate the employees for retaining them as well as increasing their effectiveness and efficiency. It is seen now days that the employees are unsatisfied either due to extreme customers pressure or due to companys norms. So, the organization apart from pressurizing them to work also needs to motivate them for good working environment or culture. 1.7 Research Questions What in your opinion is the main reason behind employee motivation? What according to your view motivation helps in employee retention and increase in employee satisfaction? What according to your views the ways of increasing motivation among employees and improving the working culture in the workplace? 1.8 Research Structure 1st Chapter: Introduction- This subdivision will be disusing on the employee motivation, research objectives, research questions, problem statement, background of the research as well as background of the company. 2nd Chapter: Literature Review- This section deals with the requirement of motivating the employees and the ways of motivating them. Moreover, it also discussed about how the motivation of employees increase productivity, efficiency as well as a positive working culture that is the benefits of motivating the employees. 3rd Chapter: Research Methodology- This section will be focusing on the research work conducted by the researcher by taking into account the research design and research approach. Moreover, the data collection methods will also be discussed that will assist the researcher in gaining an in-depth knowledge regarding this topic. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction Graves and Luciano (2010) commented on the fact that the success of a company lies in the whole hearted participation of the employees in the workplace. The employees being a fundamental part within an organization need to be motivated in the positive direction for better results. Even this helps in employee satisfaction, retention, building a good culture within the organization along with success. According to Plantinga et al. (2009) there are several ways in employee motivation that need to be recognized by the organization and motivate them accordingly for higher achievements of the company. This section will be dealing with the essentiality of employee motivation, techniques used for motivating the employees and their benefits. 2.2 Employee Motivation and its requirement Korzynski (2013) had an opinion that as the employees is the important part of the organization, so motivation of the employees is essential in order to retain them and inspire them to be more productive in nature. This is also to be remembered that motivating the employees is an important key for improving the performance. Cadwallader et al. (2009) had a view regarding this that the organization always aims at reducing the gaps between the works and it can be done through proper co-ordination and co-operation. This can be done through motivating the employees so that they will co-ordinate with other employees thereby reducing the gaps and enhancing the productivity. In addition this, Facer et al. (2014) had commented that the motivation is required within an organization in order to charge ups the employees in the positive way for achieving the goals. An employee also gets motivated by learning about new things. Motivation is essential within an organization to use the resources and raw materials to the maximum extent and within the stipulated time. Apart from this, according to the opinion of Manolopoulos (2007) the employees also get bored while doing the same thing daily so, for uplifting their spirits, the organization need to motivate them. 2.3 Ways to motivate the employees Eskildsen et al. (2004) commented on the fact that as the employees work for the organization, it is the responsibility of the organization to look after the interests of the employees. For that reason, motivation of the employes is essential. There are several techniques that the organization has adopted for motivating the employees for a higher productivity and for satisfying the employees are discussed below- Creation of friendly working atmosphere- Zhang and Bartol (2010) had commented that the organization needs to create a good office culture as well as atmosphere within the organization. This is because, most of the time in a day the employees spend their time in office. So, necessarily the organization needs to create a friendly environment. For that, according to Safiullah (2014) good spaces within the organization need to be given, temperature also need to be kept moderate, the chairs and rooms need to relaxing and fresh for providing inspiration to work more. Fair salary and incentive Structure- Each and every employee wants a fair salary and a fair incentive structure for the delivery of their services. Zafar et al. (2014) had an opinion that it is the responsibility of the HR department to maintain a good salary structure as per employment rules. The fair salary system will make the employees feel that they have a secured culture over there and they start believing and trusting on the company. According to Subrahmanian and Abhilasha (2014) the employees trust can also be enhanced through timely salary and through fairly incentives. More the employees will be having trust and belief on the organization; the more they will be motivated to work effectively and efficiently with higher productivity. Rewards and recognition- According to the human psychology, people love to get rewards and recognition for the work they are performing. Shultz (2013) had commented that it is sign of higher prestige to the employees as they feel proud to receive rewards as well as recognition from the seniors. From the opinion of Tracy (2013) this makes the employees feel proud as well as they feel like their contribution to the organization is bringing colors to the organization. This also helps in recognition of the efforts of the employees and this motivates the employees to the maximum extent. Moreover, according to Fargus (2000) this can also be done through effective communication of the employees achievement within the workplace. Emails, updates, etc. all can be sent to the employees that will increase their spirit of work. Good working conditions and maintaining hygiene factors- Whiteley (2002) commented on the fact that for satisfying the employees, the good working conditions as well as hygiene is maintained. The better the employees will be having a feeling of safety in the workplace, the more the employees will be motivated in working in the safe environment. According to Zhang and Bartol (2010) the employees having a feeling of safety can be freer to work in the organization. It works like a miracle if the employees see that the working environment is quite soothing rather than monotonous and boring. Training systems- In the organization, frequent trainings need to be given that helps in brushing up the knowledge and skills of the employees occasionally. From the opinion of Korzynski, (2013) trainings help in communication of the necessary changes that are made within the organization and upgrading the skills of the employees. This motivates the employees to the maxi um extent in gaining more knowledge from the training sessions and using it for further growth. Enhancing good relationship within the workplace- Another major technique to motivate the employees is enhancing the relationship of the employees. For that frequent get together and parties need to be held where employees have the place to interact with each other. According to Shultz (2013) the more the employees will be interacting with each other, the better will be the relationship and hence the better will be the employee retention. More the employees will be retained, the more the employees will be working productively and better will be the efficiency. In addition to this, Zafar et al. (2014) also commented that social events need to be organized where it will facilitate the interaction between the co-workers and employees. This will motivate the employees to a great extent and also will help in making the work more productive and methodical that will improve employee retention. 2.4 Benefits of employee motivation Employee motivation is essential within each and every organization that wants to sore high up in the competitive business environment. Zhang and Bartol (2010) commented on the fact that employee motivation is essential in order to increase the productivity as well as increase the revenue of the organization. There are several benefits regarding the employee motivation that is discussed below- Increases the level of trust as well as commitment - It is commented by Safiullah (2014) that more the employees will be motivated, the better the level of commitment will be. A good and an effective communication help in improving the level of trust and commitment within the organization among the employees. According to Manolopoulos (2007) through motivation, trust is increased that also helps in motivating the employees to the maximum extent. The more the employees will be relying on other employees; the better will be the level of communication and commitment towards the work. It is the responsibility of the organization to see the commitment and trust among each other. Increase the communication- According to Tan and Abu Mansor (2014) motivation also helps in increasing the communication between the employees as well as it proves to be a benefit to the employees. The better the communication will be the better will be the working culture since this reduces the misunderstanding to a great extent. Improving the quality of work as well as generation of new ideas- Shultz (2013) commented on the fact that motivation improves the quality of work among the employees through a good co-ordination. Apart from this, this also helps in generation of new ideas as the employees are motivated and they improve both the quality of work as well as enhances the idea generation. 2.5 Conclusion This section deals with the benefits of the requirement of motivation among the employees, the different techniques such as effective communication, training, rewards and recognition etc, are also discussed. Apart from this, the benefits of motivating the employees such as increasing the communication, improving the working quality as well as increasing the trust all is discussed vividly. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction Tracy (2013) commented on the fact that research methodology is a process that assists the employees in carrying out the work methodically. This is the blueprint that depicts how to conduct the research work. This section deals with the research approach, research design, and data collection methods that the researcher has adopted for the conduction of the research. 3.2 Research Approach According to Whiteley (2002) research approach helps in a vivid analysis of the collected data. The researcher has adopted deductive approach that moves from a much broader aspect to a specific aspect. This assists the researcher in drawing the conclusions from the available facts. 3.3 Research Design Fargus (2000) commented on the fact that the researcher has adopted descriptive research design that helps in exploring the topic in a whole structure. It contains the data analysis as well as surveys that contain the facts as well as findings of the researcher. 3.4 Data Collection Methods Based on the opinion of Tan and Abu Mansor (2014) the data are so collected by using both primary and secondary sources. The primary data are collected through questionnaires to the employees and managers. The secondary sources are the books, journals and websites that assist the researcher in accomplishment of the research work. 3.5 Summary The section discussed about the descriptive research design and deductive research approach. Moreover, the data methods that are used are both primary and secondary methods. References Fargus, P. (2000). Measuring and improving employee motivation. London: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Tracy, B. (2013). Motivation. New York: AMACOM, American Management Association. Whiteley, P. (2002). Motivation. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. Cadwallader, S., Jarvis, C., Bitner, M. and Ostrom, A. (2009). 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