Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Achillies essays
Achillies essays Achilles was one of the many, numerous heroes of the great Trojan War. He has a great story that goes along with his adventures. A man who wrote poems about wars named Homer tells his story in the Iliad. He was a great warrior of the Trojan War because of what his parents did to him when he was young. Because of what his parents did when he was young, he could not be defeated and was a major threat to other enemies, but was a great asset to the country he fought for. Achilles had two parents like most people. His mother was a Nereid named Thetis. She was a sea nymph. Thetis was an immortal nymph. The mortal Peleus fell in love with her, but she avoided him by turning herself into various slippery animals. She turned herself into various slippery animals to try to avoid him because she didnt want to have anything to do with him and she didnt like to be around him. Eventually Peleus caught Thetis. She was very well known for her many inventions. She was well known by both gods and mortals because she made inventions for both the mortals and the gods. An example of her helping gods and mortals is when Hephaestus was cast by Zues from Heaven, and fell into the sea. When hephaestus was cast from Heaven, Thetis had to help him and get her out of the sea. She married Peleus and their wedding indirectly brought on the Trojan War. All the gods except for the goddess of Discord, Eris had been invited by Zues to the wedding of Achilles parents. Eris was jealous so to get even, Eris tossed a golden apple in the midst of the gathering, and labeled it To the Fairest. A fight soon ensued between the beautiful goddesses Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, as to who the rightful recipient of the golden apple should be. The decision was left to a Shepherd named Paris, who awarded the apple to Aphrodite on the promise of winning the hand of Helen. Helen was considered to be the most beautiful mortal. Ap...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Accordian Crimes essays
Accordian Crimes essays Political Implications of Accordion Crimes E. Annie Proulxs, Accordion Crimes takes an in-depth look at many various immigrant families social, cultural, religious and ideological contributions to the American society and political system. Proulx details each ethnic groups struggle to maintain their own unique identity. However, each groups attempts at remaining unique actually patterns the other. In doing so, these groups actually contribute to form a new American polity. This formation of a new polity is Proulxs theme. The new American polity is formed through hard work, unity and perseverance under fire. They are extremely evident in the Italian, German and Polish ethnicities. Proulx introduces the audience to an Italian accordion maker. The Accordion Maker, follows this Italian mans journey to the United States. He thought of a new life, fresh and unused, of money hanging in the future like pears hidden in high leaves.(19). Money is a primary apparatus for moving to America. Finding work was difficult, and he soon learned he must bid for employment. In doing so, the Italian takes a crash-course in free enterprise: That is how it works in America...[y]ou must pay to be paid.(28). So, the Italian did, and worked hard on fruit boats until he saw the opportunity to sell his hand-crafted accordions. The German immigrants are also introduced to a free-market economy. They take a different route, and develop a community called, Prank. They spent the summer cultivating and hammering, raising frames and fencing, pacing off new fields for corn and oats and hay. (60). With their knowledge of farming and carpentry Beutle, Messermacher and Loats soon find their community thriving. They adapt a philosophy, Vork hard and good fortune to come.&quo...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
DECISON MAKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DECISON MAKING - Essay Example The routine decision making can be sub divided into different forms based on several variables that differentiate them; however, the two broad categories of decision making are programmed decisions and non-programmed decisions (O Brien, 1999). A programmed decision is, simply put, a decision that has a fine structure and occurs rather frequently, with less exceptions. Such decisions are relatively easier to make as they follow a pretty standardized procedure; a simple example of the same can be answering a customer query or solving a customer query such as password retrieval. A non-programmed decision is exact complement of the former; non-programmed decisions are more about exceptional handling rather than routine work out, for such decisions, there is less structure of any formal procedures that would resolve the issue. Accordingly, the frequency of occurrence is lesser. Purchase of fixed asset, based on frequency of occurrence can be a non-programmed procedure but since the process of purchase is well defined, it does not qualify for the same. The purchase of a house or a television would be a rather non-programmed decision. In this section, the steps for rational decision making are applied to the given case. ... The case is the need for replacement of the photocopy machine, and the decision making process is to be applied for the purchase of this new equipment (Noorul Haq, 2007). For the decision making process to be successful, it should go by a procedure so that the defined procedure can undertake the different variables needed for an appropriate decision making. Following are the simple steps that are a part of the rational decision making process with brief elaboration (Davidson, 2006), alongside the three steps, their application for the given case is also briefed: STEP I: Recognizing and defining the decision situation: It is essential for managers to recognize and define the need for the decision to be taken. There are certain underlying variables that define the need for the decision; these variables are indicators for the need of a decision. The decision situation has arisen; the photocopy machine needs to be replaced and a new equipment needs to be purchased. The need has arisen mainly due to the excess usage of the equipment in routine business operations. STEP II: Identifying alternatives: Once the need for a decision is identified, alternate decisions available should be identified. Pertinent to this case, the alternatives available are the different models of the machine (that of course have varying functionalities) and the list of pre-selected vendors who sell these machines. Another form of alternative evaluation could have been evaluation of either purchase, rent or not buy at all. However, with the requirements that it caters to, it has become essentially important to buy one as it has a lot of usage in routine operations. Going to a near by shop could have been another way out, which is ruled out due to potential lose out of confidential
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
EC Enforcement Procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
EC Enforcement Procedures - Essay Example Directive 2008/999/EC issued by the Council is regulated by Article 249 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community. The manner in which Article 249 applies to Directives is contained in the following excerpt from Article 249: Article 249 is similarly applicable to Council decisions with the result that the Council’s Directive and decision under Article 226 are both bindings on the UK and Germany. Failure to comply with the instructions to implement the Directive into local law by the time stipulated for doing so constitutes an infringement capable of invoking Article 228’s judicial process for the implementation of sanctions. Likewise, a failure to comply with the Council’s opinion under Article 226 automatically invokes Article 228’s judicial proceedings for the implementation of sanctions.5 Cumulatively, Articles 211 and Article 249 not only ensures that EC laws are adapted and applied throughout the EC Community but also imposes upon the Commission a residual duty to ensure that EC laws are implemented by the Member States. In the Commission of the European Communities v French Republic Case C-177/04 a scenario arose similar in nature to the one involving Germany and the UK. In this case, France had implemented an EC Directive on damages for product liability but had failed to reflect the actual extent of damages prescribed by the Directive. The Commission invoked Article 226 of the EC Treaty and issued a reasoned opinion in which it found that France had not fulfilled its Treaty obligations and required that it do so.  Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Black Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Black Homelessness - Essay Example In this paper the issue of black homelessness in the background of young people living in the project housing is dealt with. It is possible to view the issue of black homelessness on the background of the social theories that deal with such issues, the values and ethics, multidisciplinary working, anti-disciplinary practice, challenges faced by service users, challenges faced by housing support workers, supervision, discrimination, empowerment, young people social skills, integration into society, New Deal for young people, employment, partnership work with other agencies, legislation etc. The barriers affecting housing organisation, good argument between govt and local authority housing, housing law and homelessness, local authority housing resources allocations, and the reflection of work done with young people living within housing projects also can strengthen the understanding of the issue. A close understanding of the issue of black homelessness confirms that there is a great re lation between the social work and the housing issues, the agencies working in housing and practice in the region of black homelessness. ... Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work." (Definition of Social Work, British Association of Social Workers). Therefore, the issue of black homelessness in the background of young people living in project housing can be understood as a serious social issue to be dealt with social workers. As specified in BASW, the works of a social worker include pertinent areas such as interpersonal practice, group work, community work, social development, social action, policy development, research, social work education and supervisory and managerial functions in these fields. Therefore, black homelessness naturally becomes a pertinent issue that concerns the social worker. In this attempt of dealing with the issue, the social workers encounter several challenges. There are several specific values and ethics that contribute to the practice of social working among the homeless. "Social work practice should both promote respect for human dignity and pursue social justice, through service to humanity, integrity and competence." (Values and Principles, British Association of Social Workers). Thus, the responsibilities towards the service users need to be kept important by the social workers practicing in the area of black homelessness. Thus, they need to give priority to the service us er's interests, be aware of their cultural background, respect their privacy, confidentiality, and records etc. they also have responsibilities towards their profession, responsibilities in the workplace, responsibilities in particular roles etc which they need to keep all through
Friday, November 15, 2019
Veracity Problem: A Review of Various PageRanking Algorithms
Veracity Problem: A Review of Various PageRanking Algorithms Abstract Enormous availability of web pages containing information leaves user in confusion of which webpage to trust and which link provides the right information. This paper provides a survey of the most relevant studies carried out in regard of ranking web pages. First, it introduces the problem of â€Å"Veracity†, conformity to truth. It then goes on to list the most common algorithms that have been used to resolve the problem of conformity to truth. Finally, this analysis provides a way to guide future research in this field. Keywords: Trustworthiness, ranking Introduction The world wide web has become the most important information source. Everyone uses WWW for searching any information about any particular thing or keyword. It is very common that the results we obtain provide a lot of useless pages. Different websites generally provide conflicting information about same object. It becomes quite difficult to decide about the correctness of information we get from search engines. In most cases, users believe that the topmost links provided by any search engine provide trustworthy results without regard to exceptions. But there is no surity for the accuracy of information present on the internet. Moreover, various websites generally provide inconsistent and conflicting information for same object, like different specifications for same product. For instance a user is interested in knowing the height of Mount Everest and queries the search engine with â€Å"The height of Mount Everest is?†Among the top results, user will find the following facts: some websites say 29,055 feet, other websites say 29,028 feet, another one says 29,002 feet, and rest say 29,027 feet. It becomes difficult to decide which answer is correct and which fact should user trust?[1] . The question is how to decide the right information and how to decide the trustworthiness of any website. The problem is known as ‘Veracity’. It becomes quite difficult for the user to decide which website to trust for the correctness of information. The resultant pages of any search engine must be ranked according to decreasing level of trustworthiness. To resolve this problem, different algorithms have been developed. The existing algorithm Page Rank which is used by Google, uses link structure of the web page[2]. Another algorithm exists known as Weighted PageRank(WPR) Algorithm. It assigns larger rank values to more popular webpages rather than dividing the rank value of a webpage evenly among its outlink pages[3]. Each outlink page gets a value corresponding to its popularity (count of inlinks and outlinks). Voting is another approach to rank web pages which uses the count of votes from one webpage to another and ranks webpages with respect to the count results. Authority-Hub analysis is also used for ranking webpages. It works on the idea of high authorities and popularity of websites. These approaches identify important web pages as per user’s interest but popularity of webpages does not guarantee accuracy of information. A less popular website may provide more useful and accurate information as compared to more popular websites. All of them use iterative approaches, in which same trustworthiness value is given to all data sources, and iteratively evaluate the confidence of every fact and then propagate back to the data sources. Tagrank, Distancerank, Timerank, Relation based algorithm, Weighted link rank. This paper surveys the most relevant algorithms proposed in this field as solution to the problem of ranking the web pages. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 1 discusses different techniques for ranking web pages. Section 2 presents the analysis and section 3 contains a brief conclusion. Techniques for Ranking Web Pages: 2.1 PageRank: PageRank is a method of measuring a pages â€Å"significance†[2]. PageRank is based on the idea that good pages always reference good pages. PageRank’s theory says that if Page A links to Page B, then that link is counted as one vote for page B. If any link pointing to a page is important then it is counted as a strong vote. If links pointing to a page are important then the outlinks of that page also become important. Fig1 : A and B are backlinks of C In this figure, A and B are backlinks of C and C is the backlink of D and E. Assume A, B, C and D are four webpages. Self links or multiple links from one page to another page, are ignored. Initially same PageRank value is assigned to all pages. Originally in PageRank, the total number of webpages was the sum of PageRank over all pages. However, advanced versions of PageRank use a probability distribution between 0 and 1. Hence the initial value for each page mentioned above is 0.25. In the next iteration the PageRank is transferred from a given page to its outbound links is equally divided among them. If in the system links were from pagesB,C, andDtoA then each link would transfer probability distribution of 0.25 PageRank toAon next iteration, for a total of 0.75. PR(A) = PR(B)+PR(C)+PR(D) = + + In general case, for any page u the PageRank value can be stated as: L(v) number of outlinks of pagev. Bu set containing all pages that links to pageu. The PageRank value for a pageuis dependent on the PageRank values for each pagevcontained in the setBu, divided by the numberL(v) of outlinks of pagev. 2.2 Weighted Pagerank: WPR algorithm is an extension to the ordinary PageRank algorithm. Limitation of existing algorithms HITS and PageRank is that both algorithms deal all links uniformly when distributing rank scores[3]. WPR considers the significance of both inlinks and outlinks of the webpages and on the basis of popularity of pages, the rank scores are distributed. PageRank algorithm divides the rank values of any page evenly amongst its outlink pages, while WPR assigns higher rank values to more popular webpages. Considering the significance of webpages, the original PageRank equation is modified as [3]: [4] 2.3 Distancerank: Distancerank is an intelligent ranking algorithm proposed by Ali Mohammad Zareh Bidoki and Nasser Yazdani[11]. This algorithm is based on reinforcement learning such that the distance between pages is considered as a punishment factor. The distance is defined as the number of ‘‘average clicks’’ between two pages. The distance dj of page j is computed as : +ÃŽ ±*mini(log(O(i))+di)[11] where i is a member of pages that point to j and O(i) shows out degree of i and a is the learning rate of the user[1]. 2.4 Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS): The HITS algorithm is also known as â€Å"hubs and authorities†is a link analysis algorithm. HITS divides the sites of a query between â€Å"hubs†and â€Å"authorities†for ranking webpages. Links to authorities are contained in hubs, while hubs point to authorities [6]. Hubs Authorities HITS assigns two values to a webpage: a hub weight and an authority weight. These weights are defined recursively. A high authority weight occurs if webpages with high hub weights are pointing it. Similarly, a higher hub weight occurs if the webpage points to large webpages with high authority weights. Thus, itidentifies good authorities and hubs for any query. HITS works on the concept that if the creator of webpage p has a link to webpage q then p has some authority on q[6]. 2.5 TimeRank: Time Rank algorithm proposed by H Jiang et al improves the rank score of web pages by using the visit time of web pages. This algorithm is supposed to be a combination of link structure and content[9]. Pr (T(i)|q) = Pr (T(i)) + Pr (q|T(i)) Ti à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ® means topic i of each page. Pr (T (i)) means the section of pages belonging to topic i in the whole page set. Pr (Ti | q) means the probability of query q related to topic i. 2.6 Web Page Ranking using link attributes: Weighted Links Rank (WLRank) assigns the value R(i), known as Ranking value, to page i with the following equations[12]: Where, given a link from page j to page i we have: L(j; i) 1 if the link exists, 0 otherwise, c a constant that gives a base weight to every link, T(j; i) a value which depends on the tag where the link is put in, AL(j; i) the anchor text length of the link divided by a constant d, and RP(j; i) the relative position of the link in the page weighted by a constant b. Analysis: Different algorithms for ranking webpages have been studied and the analysis is presented in the following table: References: [1] X. Yin, J. Han, and P. S. Yu, â€Å"Truth Discovery with Multiple Conflicting Information Providers on the Web†, IEEE Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 6, June 2008. [2] C. Ridings and M. Shishigin, â€Å"Pagerank Uncovered†, Technical Report, 2002. [3]Wenpu Xing and Ali Ghorbani, â€Å"Weighted PageRank Algorithm†, In proceedings of the 2rd Annual Conference on Communication Networks Services Research, PP. 305-314, 2004. [4]Wenpu Xing and Ali Ghorbani, â€Å"Weighted PageRank Algorithm†, In proceedings of the 2rd Annual Conference on Communication Networks Services Research, PP. 305-314, 2004. [5] Geeta R. Bharamagoudar , Shashikumar G.Totad and Prasad Reddy PVGD, â€Å" Literature Survey on Web Mining†IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering ,Issue 4 (Sep-Oct. 2012). [6] Jon Kleinberg, â€Å"Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment†, In proceedings of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1998. [7] Lin-Tao Lv, Li-Ping Chen, Hong-Fang Zhou, An improved topic relevance algorithm for vertical search engines, ICWAPR 08, Hong Kong, pp. 753-757, Aug 2008. [8] H Jiang et al., TIMERANK: A Method of Improving Ranking Scores by Visited Time, In proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Kunming, 12-15 July 2008. [9] S. Chakrabarti, B. Dom, D. Gibson, J. Kleinberg, R. Kumar, P.Raghavan, S. Rajagopalan, A. Tomkins, â€Å"Mining the Link Structure of the World Wide Web†, IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol 32, Issue 8 pp. 60 – 67, 1999. [10] Fabrizio Lamberti, Andrea Sanna and Claudio Demartini , â€Å"A Relation-Based Page Rank Algorithm for. Semantic Web Search Engines†, In IEEE Transaction of KDE, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan 2009. [11] Ali Mohammad Zareh Bidoki and Nasser Yazdani, â€Å"DistanceRank: An Iintelligent Ranking Algorithm for Web Pages†, Information Processing and Management, 2007. [12] Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Emilio Davis ,Web page ranking using link attributes , In proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate track papers posters, PP.328-329, 2004. [13] Milan Vojnovic et al., â€Å"Ranking and Suggesting Popular Items†, In IEEE Transaction of KDE, Vol. 21, No. 8, Aug 2009. [14] Fang Liu, Clement Yu, Weiyi Meng, â€Å"Personalized Web Search for Improving Retrieval Effectiveness†, IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 16 (1) January 2004. [15] Gr ´egoire Burel, Amparo E. Cano, Matthew Rowe, and Alfonso Sosa â€Å"Representing, Proving and Sharing Trustworthiness of Web Resources Using Veracity†Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Amrita Pritam :: essays research papers
Amrita Pritam (born 31 August 1919) is a household name in the Punjab, being the first most prominent woman Punjabi poet and fiction writer. After partition she made Delhi her second home. She was the first woman recipient of th Sahitya Akademi Award, the first Punjabi woman to receive the Padma Shree from the President of India in 1969. Though critical of the socialist camp, her works were translated in all the east European languages including French, Japanese and Danish. Mehfil, a quarterly from Michigan State University published an issue on her works. She got Jananpeeth award in 1982 for her lifetime contribution to Punjabi literature. She received three D Lit degrees from Delhi, Jabalpur and Vishva Bharti Universities in 1973 and 1983 respectively. Inspite of her poor health, she is still active writing and editing a monthly magazine in Punjabi Nagmani. Ode To Warris Shah - Amrita Pritam Roman version by Amritjit Singh Translated by Darshan Singh Maini aj aakhan waaris shah nooN kito.n qabra.n vicho.n bol! te aj kitab-e-ishq da koi agla varka phol! ik roi si dhii punjab dii tuu likh-likh mare vaiN aj lakkha.n dheeyan rondian tainuu.n waaris shah nooN kahaN! uTh darmandaN diaa dardiiaa uTh tak apNa punjaab! aj bele laashaa.n vichiiaa.n te lahu dii bharii chenaab! kise ne panja paaNia.n vich dittii zahir rala! te unhaa.n paaNiaa.n dharat nuu.n dittaa paaNii laa! jitthe vajdii phuuk pyaar di ve oh vanjhli gayi guaach ranjhe de sab veer aj bhul gaye usdi jaach dharti te lahu vasiya, qabran payiyan choN preet diyan shaahazaadiiaa.n aj vich mazaaraa.n roN aj sab 'qaido' baN gaye, husn ishq de chor aj kitho.n liaaiie labbh ke waaris shah ik hor aj aakhan waaris shah nooN kito.n qabra.n vicho.n bol! te aj kitab-e-ishq da koi agla varka phol! English Translation (This translation is taken from book in English by Darshan Singh Maini called STUDIES IN PUNJABI POETRY) I say to Waris Shah today, speak from your grave And add a new page to your book of love Once one daughter of Punjab wept, and you wrote your long saga; Today thousands weep, calling to you Waris Shah: Arise, o friend of the afflicted; arise and see the state of Punjab, Corpses strewn on fields, and the Chenaab flowing with much blood. Someone filled the five rivers with poison, And this same water now irrigates our soil. Where was lost the flute, where the songs of love sounded? And all Ranjha's brothers forgotten to play the flute. Blood has rained on the soil, graves are oozing with blood, The princesses of love cry their hearts out in the graveyards.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Sustainability Practices In The Turkish Construction Sector Environmental Sciences Essay
Abstract. The Turkish building services bunch is the thirteenth largest in the universe in footings of exports and has demonstrated really high growing of 63 % in international projects. Katsarakis et Al ( 2007 ) split this bunch into two parts and call them as the lower-quality domestic-only set of houses and the higher choice international houses. On the domestic side, there are more than 30,000 active local houses ( TCA, 2009 ) . On the international houses ‘ side, there are over 140 houses, 23 of which are among the 225 largest building companies worldwide in footings of abroad activities per ENR 2008 listing. This degree of activity, peculiarly the international activity, places upon the Turkish building bunch a duty to guarantee good working conditions for all its employees and to play a polar function in continuing the environment, extenuating bing polluted countries, salvaging natural resources such as H2O, energy and natural stuffs. This paper examines, through a liter ature survey, the current degree of sustainability apprehension in the Turkish building sector. The survey concludes that the degree of sustainability apprehension and hence its execution is unstructured, bit-by-bit, and inappropriate for the prima regional function that the Turkish building bunch will play. The paper concludes that a more holistic attack is required, which will necessitate political policy and larning from best pattern from other states and immensely increased instruction and preparation in the constructs of sustainability. Keywords: Construction bunch, policy, scheme, Sustainability, Turkey 1. Introduction Sustainability is more and more going a cardinal concern of every person. It is a concern that has grown out of a wider acknowledgment that lifting populations and economic development are endangering a progressive debasement of the Earth ‘s resources per CIOB ( 2009 ) . The building, care and usage of edifices have significant impact on our environment and are presently lending significantly to irreversible alterations in the universe ‘s clime, atmosphere and ecosystem. Endeavoring for sustainability is a uninterrupted procedure of alteration. The building industry is confronting ever-increasing demands to better its sustainability public presentation. Sustainable development applies at the political and macro economic degree to communities. The clients and stakeholders of the building industry demand betterments of its patterns and its public image. Karacay ( 2003 ) stated that the epoch of â€Å" more production-more ingestion †is over and a great trade of accent should be to sustainability for uninterrupted sustainable economical growing and development. Sustainable building is a manner for the building industry to travel towards accomplishing sustainable development, taking into history environmental, socio-economic and cultural issues. Specifically, it involves issues such as design and direction of edifices, stuffs and edifice public presentation, energy and resource ingestion – within the larger orbit of urban development and direction. In this paper, sustainability of the substructure undertakings will be concentrated on. Recent publications related to sustainable building in the context of Private Finance Initiative ( PFI ) route undertakings ( AkbA ±yA ±klA ± & A ; Eaton, ( 2009a and B ) ) and sustainable substructure developments in the instance of Public-Private Partnership ( PPP ) ( Eaton & A ; AkbA ±yA ±klA ± , ( 2008 ) ) are available. 2. Sustainability Sustainability, as stated by Werbach ( 2009 ) , is more than â€Å" green †; it is concern agencies, above all, guaranting that the concern thrives in the long term and takes into history every dimension of the concern environment. Sustainability is the concern with long-run profitableness. Sustainability needs a scheme behind that includes all the supply concatenation, top direction engagement and support ; and it relates all the concern organisation. We are in an epoch that the Nature and the equilibrium in the Nature that will govern and regulate the developments in our industry. We will be concerned more than of all time in the value adding in the building concern that will be a combination between sustainability ( societal, economic, environmental and cultural ) , efficiency and effectivity. In Werbach ‘s ( 2009 ) words, â€Å" Until the 1980 ‘s concern leaders used the word sustainability to intend a company ‘s ability to increase its net incomes stea dily ( Werbach, 2009 ) . Sustainability represents the best technology attack of all – the acknowledgment that no undertaking exists in a vacuity, but in a societal and natural context that affects the undertaking and is affected by it in bend. If we take this holistic position of technology, which involves esteeming the natural and human environment in the design, building and operation of our undertakings, we find distinguishable benefits in footings of quality, proficient inventions, and long-run societal, economic and environmental returns ( Tanal ( 2004 ) ) . Harmonizing to Werbach ( 2009 ) , a sustainable concern means a concern that can boom in the long term. Brundtland Report ( 1987 ) , besides known as Our Common Future, alerted the universe to the urgency of doing advancement toward economic development that could be sustained without consuming natural resources or harming the environment. The study was published by an international group of politicians, civil retainers and experts on the environment and development, and provided a cardinal statement on sustainable development specifying it as â€Å" development that meets the demands of the present without compromising the ability of future coevalss to run into their ain demands †. The study besides suggested that equity, growing and environmental care are at the same time possible and that each state is capable of accomplishing its full economic potency whilst at the same clip heightening its resource base. Furthermore, in the same survey it is reported that accomplishing the equity and sustainable growing would necessitate technological and societal alteration. In stead to this fact, Sage ( 1998 ) stated that sustainability necessitates the development of enlightened establishments and substructure and appropriate direction of hazards, uncertainnesss, and knowledge imperfectnesss to guarantee intergenerational equity, intergenerational equity, and preservation of the ability of Earth ‘s natural systems to function world. As defined by Chaharbaghi & A ; Willis ( 1999 ) and presented in a study on sustainability by FIEC ( 2005 ) , sustainable development is a construct based on a construction which stands on 3 pillars, viz. economic, societal and environmental. This inter-related model is shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1. Three pillars of sustainability ( Chaharbaghi & A ; Willis ( 1999 ) in â€Å" Managing Knowledge in the Context of Sustainable Construction †ITcon Vol. 11 ( 2006 ) ) 3. The building industry and sustainability Sustainable building can be defined as a building procedure which incorporates the basic subjects of sustainable development ( Parkin ( 2000 ) , Chaharbaghi & A ; Willis ( 1999 ) , Sage ( 1998 ) ) . Such building procedures would therefore convey environmental duty, societal consciousness, and economic profitableness aims to the bow in the reinforced environment and installations for the wider community ( Langston & A ; Ding ( 2001 ) , Miyatake ( 1996 ) , Raynsford ( 2000 ) ) . Companies are the cardinal elements of modern economic life and they have an of import function in conveying about the alterations needed for sustainable development. Harmonizing to Wilson ( 2003 ) â€Å" corporate sustainability is a concern attack that creates long term stockholder value by encompassing chances and pull offing hazards deducing from economic, environmental and societal developments. While corporate sustainability recognizes that corporate growing and profitableness are of import ; it besides requires the corporation to prosecute social ends, specifically those associating to sustainable development such as environmental protection, societal justness and equity and economic development †. Werbach ( 2009 ) argues that, if imagined and implemented to the full, sustainability drives a bottom-line scheme to salvage costs, a top-line scheme to make a new consumer base, and a endowment scheme to acquire, maintain, and develop originative employees. The three pillars or as named by Fiksel ( 2001 ) , the â€Å" ternary underside line †, economic prosperity and chance societal equity and quality of life and ecological resource saving represents sustainability as an organisational committedness to accomplishing competitory advantage through the strategic acceptance and development of ecologically and socially supportive production procedures, merchandises and services and advanced human resource direction patterns. ( Dunphy et al ( 2003 ) ) . For those organisations prosecuting sustainability, it is cardinal to their corporate schemes and a critical ingredient in how they assess their effectivity. A survey by Dunphy ( 2004 ) states that â€Å" sustainability consequences from activities which extend the socially utile life of organisations, heighten the planet ‘s ability to keep and regenerate the viability of the biosphere and protect all life species, enhance society ‘s ability to keep itself and to work out its major jobs, keep a nice degree of public assistance for present and future coevalss of humanity †The building industry and the reinforced environment must be counted as two of the cardinal countries required to achieve a sustainable development in societies. It is a widely known fact that, the edifices are responsible for over 40 % of all the waste produced in the European Union. In developing and passage economic systems, building has a immense part to the Gross National Product ( GDP ) ; but this has to be done in a more sustainable mode while bettering the quality of life and making wealth. However, sustainable building adopts different precedences in different states. There are widely different positions and readings between developed and passage and developing states. The developed economic systems are in a place to give more attending to making a more sustainable constructing stock by upgrading, by new developments or the usage of new advanced engineerings. All public procurance should be made consistent with authorities policies for presenting sustainable development, most notably in footings of waste minimisation, H2O efficiency, community regeneration and societal inclusion. In that sense, Private Finance Initiative ( PFI ) as an advanced procurance path can play a cardinal function within the industry due to the graduated table of investing involved ; the greater easiness of act uponing the little figure of histrions involved ; and the manner in which PFI contracts secure the long-run battle of contractors. However, sustainability considerations are non sufficiently embedded in the PFI procedure to guarantee consistent bringing, and success is extremely reliant on the motive and expertness of single public sector clients and private contractors ( Green Alliance ( 2004 ) ) . Sustainability within the building industry has no clearly settled definition and no settled organic structure of bing pattern and procedures. The industry has to understand what sustainability is in its context and concentrate on creative activity, prolonging and airing of cognition for sustainable building across the multiple interest holders involved in building undertakings ( Shelbourn et al. , 2006 ) . Many building companies in the UK follow the authorities ‘s aim for sustainable development which is economic growing and prosperity, effectual protection of the environment, careful usage of natural resources ( natural resource protection and environmental sweetening ) and societal advancement. The UK authorities has produced enterprises to title-holder sustainability within the building industry to accomplish sustainable development marks. Recent research plans such as ‘Partners in Innovation ( PiI ) ‘ ( Shelbourn et al, ( 2006 ) ) and others have been funded to back up sustainability within the building industry ( Raynsford ( 2000 ) ) . The ‘Government Construction Clients Panel ‘ ( dwelling of representatives with duty for procurance for most authorities organic structures ) besides has a mark to accomplish sustainability in each undertaking. This enables the authorities to take a prima function, and showcase good pattern in advancing sustainable building ( DEFRA, ( 2004 ) ) . It is the writers ‘ contention that, every company in the building concern must hold a sustainability policy which will be developed and communicated within the organisation. Those policies can be Sustainability Policy, Environmental Policy, Health and Safety Policy and Sustainable Procurement Policy. The policy and rules of sustainability creates a sustainable development which is supported by a sound sustainability scheme. The purpose of such schemes is to develop a common apprehension of the sustainability issues and present effectual and targeted attacks for each stakeholder to lend to accomplishing a more sustainable building industry. In order to recognize all these policies and scheme it is perfectly necessary to hold a Board and Advisory Committee within the organisation that supports and commits to sustainability as a scheme and acts as a nexus between office and operational activities at site degree. Having set these marks fiting with the Government ‘s sustainab le development, building houses must put specific one-year marks for each concern unit and each building undertaking as a whole. After that each house must besides put for his undertakings and company a sustainability appraisal standard which is linked to marks and Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ‘s ) aligned with the concern scheme of the house. These are meant to be some sporadic thoughts from the writers to the building houses that are likely to follow in execution of Sustainability Policy and Strategy in their organisations. The experiences from some taking UK building companies have shown that there are strong concern benefits for more sustainable building. As a successful instance â€Å" Early Solutions Together – Eastern time †programme of Morgan-Est ( Part of Morgan Sindall ) and â€Å" Making Tomorrow a Better Topographic point †programme of Carillion can be named as two good illustrations of sustainable thought and execution in the UK building industry ( Morgan-Est, 2009 ; Carillion, 2009 ) . Carillion is winner of its category – Best Green Company in the UK for medium to big houses Awards in 2008 and Morgan-Est is the victor of Green Apple Award for Environmental Best Practice. This is besides demonstrated through research carried out by Sustainable Construction Task Group ( BRE ( 2001 ) , which concluded that there are clear advantages to be gained, but merely if sustainability is portion of a long-run concern program. This is reinforced by the Building Research Esta blishment, where research has concluded that â€Å" aˆÂ ¦being sustainable is every bit much about efficient profit-orientated pattern and value for money as it is about assisting the environmentaˆÂ ¦ †( BRE Report ( 2002 ) ) . Such consequences have given the building industry an improved consciousness of sustainability issues. In 1999, around 150 quality of life indexs were produced to better the wellbeing of UK citizens ( Audit Commission ( 2002 ) ) . The industry has begun to acknowledge that monitoring and coverage on sustainability is a critical portion of their concern. Cardinal Performance Indicators, Environmental Performance Indicators, and the acceptance of benchmarking have become progressively common topographic point, and many companies are now bring forthing environmental and sustainability studies, with corporate societal duty going common pattern ( Movement for Innovation, ( 2000 ) , CIRIA ( 2001, 2006 ) . Sing building in developing states, Ofori ( 2007 ) states that, an organized action should be taken to guarantee that the high volume of building that will be undertaken in the development states in the procedure of urbanisation in the ways that are socially and ecologically impact of building. He stresses that this will necessitate a wide duologue between authoritiess, building industry, academe and NGO ‘s at national and international degrees towards the development and execution programs for sustainable building. 4. Turkish building services bunch Harmonizing to Katsarakis et Al ( 2007 ) , the building services bunch in Turkey is the thirteenth largest in footings of exports and has demonstrated a compound one-year growing rate ( CAGR ) of 63 % for the period of 2002 – 2006 in international projects. While the building services bunch represents merely the 6 % of Turkey ‘s gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) , together with all complementary and related industries, it still accounts for 30 % of GDP harmonizing to the TCA ( 2009 ) records. Construction plays a important function in Turkey ‘s economic system using about 1.4 million people which is about 5.5 % of Turkey ‘s entire employment. Turkish building sector is chiefly composed of Small and Medium Enterprises. This composing is really similar to the European building sector. The building sector is chiefly a domestic sector and merely 4 % is international building. The European building industry excessively is composed of about 97 % of SME ‘s. The bunch is divided into two groups: the lower-quality domestic-only set of houses and the higher choice international houses by Katsarakis et Al ( 2007 ) . These two groups portion some but non all bunch participants. On the domestic side, there are more than 30,000 active local houses. On the international side, there are over 140 houses registered to the Turkish Contractors Association, 23 of which are among the 225 largest building companies worldwide in footings of abroad activities ( ENR, Engineering News records ( 2008 ) ) . Harmonizing to a study on the web site of TCA about the Turkish Contracting in the International Market, â€Å" in the last 36 old ages, u p until the terminal of 2008, Turkish Contractors have undertaken about 5,000 undertakings in 70 states, with a combined value of some 130 billion USD. Turkey ranks among the top 12 manufacturers of edifice stuffs in the universe, with such merchandises as cement, glass, steel and ceramic tiles taking a prima function. †Further detailed information is provided in a publication by Yapi Endustri Merkezi ( 2007 ) as follows sing the services of the building and the related industries, Turkey is the 11th largest manufacturer of steel in the universe and third-largest in Europe. Turkey ranks 6th in Europe and 15th in the universe in the production of articles of steel. Turkey is the universe ‘s richest state in marble, with a 40 per centum portion of entire planetary militias. Turkey is the universe ‘s 5th and 4th largest manufacturer of ceramic tiles and ceramic healthful ware, severally. Turkey is among the top glass makers of the universe. Turkey is the 6th largest manufacturer of pigments in Europe. Turkey is the 3rd largest manufacturer of plastic doors and Windowss in Europe. There are 200 major technology confer withing companies in Turkey which are supplying 65 % of the proficient consultancy services realized in Turkey and 90 % of the consultancy services required by the Turkish houses abroad, harmonizing to the records of Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects ( ATCEA ) presented at their web site. Their one-year turnover is about $ 350 million, and they employ about 5,000 people. 5. Turkey ‘s place on sustainable development Business involvement in corporate sustainability is turning in Turkey. Nemli ( 2009 ) investigated taking Turkish companies ‘ attack to corporate sustainability regarding, Their attitudes and attacks toward sustainability, Their chief patterns associating to environmental and societal sustainability, The grounds why companies adopted sustainability patterns, The grounds why companies have non adopted sustainability patterns and Which companies produce environmental, societal or sustainability studies. Nemli ‘s pre-research surveies showed that merely a few of these companies had formal sustainability schemes. Therefore an scrutiny of the sustainability patterns of these few companies would be more enlightening about sustainability in Turkey. The fact that there are so few companies prosecuting sustainability schemes in Turkey indicates that Turkish companies are at the beginning of sustainability execution in their concern. Nemli ‘s research was related to the fabrication companies and none of the examined companies was involved in the building sector. Harmonizing to Turkey ‘s National Report on Sustainable Development by Ministry of Environment ( 2002 ) and besides summarized in a survey made by Ozkan ( 2003 ) , most of the environmental statute law in Turkey has been affected during the past decennary. An overall appraisal of the Turkish environmental statute law indicates that during the past two old ages, the construct of sustainability was clearly included in the Torahs and ordinances put into consequence. The undermentioned ordinances are considered to be vitally of import, Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, Solid Waste Control Regulations, Hazardous Waste Control Regulations, Air Quality Control Regulations, Water Pollution Control Regulations, Waste Control Regulations, Hazardous Waste Control Regulations. Furthermore, the Ministry of Environment is taking farther legal steps to forestall and command environmental pollution. In this respect, the bing statute law is being reviewed as portion of the attempts to harmonise them with EU statute law. It is anticipated that this measure will lend well towards accomplishing the ends for sustainable development. Turkey had been prosecuting policies in the countries of energy efficiency and environmentally sound engineerings, every bit good as industrial pollution control.A To accomplish sustainable energy development and energy efficiency, the Government had been beef uping attempts to develop and utilize safe engineerings, advancing research and development for appropriate methodological analysiss, raising public consciousness of the issues, and measuring environmental impacts ( A °lkin ( 2006 ) ) .A Harmonizing to the National Report on Sustainable Development 2002, during the past few old ages at that place has been an addition in industrial preparation plans related to work safety, environmental direction systems, quality confidence, and in-service preparation. These plans have been initiated by the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, stock exchanges, Small and Medium Industry Development Organization ( KOSGEB ) , the Quality Association ( KALDER ) , universities, and research establishments ( Ozkan, ( 2003 ) ) . Recycling of edifice stuffs is a really new construct in Turkey. It is merely after the lay waste toing temblor of 1999 in the Marmara part, that some attending has been paid to the huge sum of constructing dust accumulated from the collapsed and dismantled edifices. Waste recycling is recommended and encouraged by the Turkish Ministry of Environment ( Ozkan, ( 2003 ) ) . The Regulations for solid waste disposal go so far as to order that recycled stuffs should be preferred to new 1s. However, the waste referred to in the ordinances belongs to industrial procedures or boxing merely. Harmonizing to the National Report on Sustainability, â€Å" Waste direction is one of the major constituents of the execution of the sustainability rules. Industrial waste direction requires that wastes caused by industry, production and services be managed for the protection of environmental and human wellness by cut downing the loss of natural stuffs used in fabrication. Reducing the sum of waste at the beginning, waste recovery and recycling, every bit good as implementing appropriate waste disposal techniques are among the basic constituents of sustainable development. †( Ministry of Environment, 2002 ) Harmonizing to Turkey ‘s National Report on Sustainable Development ( 2002 ) , the type of industrial waste in Turkey as a underdeveloped state, is non much different from the type of waste encountered in the developed states of the universe. In order to quantify the sum and composing of industrial waste and to look into the attendant environmental jobs caused Turkish Statistical Institute ( TUIK ) and assorted local authoritiess and industrial organisations ( Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Maritime Trade and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Chambers of Industry of Istanbul and Kocaeli ) have conducted independent surveies to develop industrial waste stock lists for the period of 1991-1995. Although the industrial waste stock lists of the fabrication sector for 1994-1997, prepared by the TUIK, did non cover the full state, it is the lone legitimate waste stock list informations bank that exists in Turkey. Besides the Industrial Waste Statistics of TUIK, the Ministry of Environment has besides concluded a elaborate industrial waste stock list undertaking in 2002, which encompasses the Marmara, the Mediterranean, and the Western Anatolia Regions ( Ozkan, 2003 ) . Waste generated by the building industry has non been accounted for in the statistics for industrial or family wastes. Since information for waste produced or disposed by the building industry has non been collected by any of these bureaus, the impact of waste from building industries is besides non known. Esin and Cosgun ( 2007 ) argue that retrieving of building waste is non yet prevailing in Turkey. The primary environmental concern should be the prevention/reduction of the coevals of building waste. Sing the sum of waste generated, Turkey declared in the 9th Five Year Development Plan that the primary mark for commanding solid waste is the decrease of the sum of waste generated ( State Planning Organization ( SPO ) , ( 2006 ) ) . One of the basic rules of the said Development Plan is â€Å" Natural resources, cultural assets and the environment will be protected sing the hereafter coevalss, every bit good †. The study furthermore underscores the Turkish State ‘s decision and will sing the sustainability in resource use in following diction: â€Å" Rapid population growing and industrialisation continue to be of import factors endangering sustainable usage of natural resources. The uncertainnesss about the responsibility and authorization distribution among establishments, for the sustainable usage of natural resources while protecting the environment without adversely impacting the production procedure, could non be adequately eliminated ( Item 159, p.38 ) †and â€Å" More efficient production and less waste will be achieved by increasing the effectivity in natural stuff usage with the execution of environment friendly techniques in industry ( Item 463, p.87 ) †. 6. Discussion Turkey has a strong building sector which can easy be considered as a regional leader in quality building and building stuffs. From the literature study it is evident that Turkey ‘s building industry ‘s sustainability place is non to the full structured yet. A few writers indicate that Turkish companies are at the beginning of implementing policies for sustainability. A study done by Turk ( 2009 ) studies that out 68 companies which are members of TCA surveyed had revealed that merely 28 of them had ISO-14001 enfranchisement. The prevailing governmental sustainability papers in Turkey is dated to 2002. Sustainability is a path that all building industries must travel through. This necessitates the industry to alter their concern scheme and organisational constructions and civilizations. This is a long-run and uninterrupted procedure that needs alteration and version of the sustainability attack to make competitory advantage over other challengers in the industry. Global challenges associated with sustainable development are multifaceted, affecting economic, societal, and environmental concerns. These challenges have deductions for virtually every facet of a building house ‘s scheme and concern theoretical account. Most directors frame sustainable development non as a multidimensional chance, but instead as a unidimensional job, affecting ordinances, added cost, and liability. The jobs of stuff ingestion, waste, and pollution associated with industrialisation nowadays an chance for houses to lower cost through the development of accomplishments and capablenesss in pollution bar and eco-efficiency. Investings made to protect the environment or as portion of societal duty were seen as investings that increase the overall costs and diminish fiscal return. Clean engineerings are normally more efficient therefore cut downing emanations and increasing productiveness. Reducing natural stuff usage and increasing recycling and recovery can cut down production costs. There are chances for cost nest eggs that may non go evident even though the benefits accrue straight to the company, until the company is motivated either by ordinance or concerns to better sustainability public presentation to analyze ways of turn toing these jobs and to put in the necessary research ( Nemli, ( 2009 ) ) . The companies ‘ committedness to corporate societal duty and overall repute may be an of import motivation factor for its current and prospective employees. There is besides an insurance value associated with repute. In the event of a job, a company with a good repute can bring on more supportive responses from stakeholders. Output extends beyond organisational boundaries to include the full merchandise life cycle-from natural stuff entree, through production procedures, to merchandise usage and disposal of spent merchandises. Output therefore involves incorporating the desire of the stakeholder into concern procedures through extended interaction with external parties such as providers, clients, regulators, communities, non-governmental organisations, and the media. As such, it offers a manner to both lower environmental impacts across the value concatenation and enhance legitimacy and repute by affecting stakeholders in the behavior of ongoing operations. ( Hart et Al ( 2003 ) ) . The industry and the disposal have to develop a macro policy which will incorporate societal, economical and environmental policies needed to accomplish a sustainable development of the Turkish building industry as a whole. A holistic sustainability policy covering the full building bunch does non be in Turkey yet. The industry needs to make a political organizational organic structure which is compatible with the demands of sustainable development and which is compatible with similar organisations across the universe. For case, The UK Government ‘s scheme for more sustainable building ( DETR, 2000 ) suggests cardinal factors for action by the building industry by widening the basic subjects. These include design for minimal waste ; thin building ; minimise energy in building and usage ; make non foul ; preserve and enhance biodiversity ; conserve H2O resources ; respect people and local environment ; and put marks, proctor and study, in order to benchmark public presentation ( Raynsford ( 2000 ) , Langston & A ; Ding ( 2001 ) , Miyatake ( 1996 ) ) . These could every bit use to Turkey. Advanced experiments from good illustrations in other states can be adapted to the constitutions of the Turkish building sustainable development attempt. The sector requires more funding to build sustainable undertakings due to the current higher monetary value of stuffs, substructure costs and the land-use ratio. It is expected, nevertheless, that the high cost of sustainable building will worsen in line with a rise in the figure of such undertakings. Many clients and end-users are going witting of the sensitive state of affairs of the environment, and are demoing an increasing penchant for buying sustainable terminal merchandises. For illustration, sustainable lodging reduces operational costs and H2O use, and offers improved security. Meanwhile, lodging investors, though willing to establish nature-sensitive undertakings, are hesitating about the hereafter of the sustainable lodging sector given the high costs associated with it. Sustainable development is one of the most outstanding issues which are emphasized in the Turkey. National Environment Strategy and Action Plan prepared in order to accommodate to the societal and economic state of affairss in Turkey. In the Turkish National Report ( 2002 ) , it is emphasized that in order to sum up the current state of affairs, it has benefited from the Environment subdivision of the 9th Five Year Development Plan ( 2007-2013 ) increased sensitiveness to the demand for a clean environment. Although the environment is a moderately of import issue in Turkey, it has some advantages and disadvantages in respects to environment and sustainable development. The advantages are as stated by TUBITAK ( 2003 ) , Our natural resources ‘ non being wholly polluted, The increasing consciousness of the environment particularly among the immature population, The adequateness of scientific and proficient human resources who can work in this field make it favoured in respects of accomplishing sustainable development. The disadvantages of Turkey in this field are, In malice of non being wholly polluted, their is go oning pollution of natural resources, Making usage of natural resources related to an investing for environmental betterment without taking attention of the set purposes, Not maintaining a record of information and informations consistently related to environment, Data which are recorded holding no criterion in footings of informations aggregation, confirmation, rating and transforming into information. In relation to development programs and sustainable development in Turkish metropoliss, Ercoskun ( 2005 ) argues that the current development programs of metropoliss do non see urban individuality and ecological values and the regional programs do non see infinites between edifices, clime, illuming, way, air circulation, natural energy, etc. , ensuing the Turkish metropoliss to be unsustainable. Furthermore, she states that planning is one of the chief tools in Turkish sustainable development and concluding that the Turkish planning system ( Development Plans, Laws and Applications ) has to be challenged from the sustainability point of position. Supplying sustainable development is non merely limited to direction of natural resources, providing equipment or commanding them. Persons should carry through their responsibilities as responsible citizens in order to accomplish sustainable development with respects of environmental protection. Therefore, it is imperative that persons be taught the topic of sustainable development get downing in primary school, every bit good as doing them cognizant of the environment.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Joy of Vocabulary Acquisition
The Joy of Vocabulary Acquisition The Joy of Vocabulary Acquisition The Joy of Vocabulary Acquisition By Mark Nichol As a word nerd, I find it pleasurable to discover words I had not heretofore known about. Being introduced to utilitarian technical and scientific terminology generally doesn’t do much for me, but almost invariably, stumbling on a word that is new to me brings a smile to my face. The most recent joyful addition to my word-hoard is anagnorisis, adopted into English from Greek by way of Latin. The word means â€Å"recognition,†but with the sense of one’s dramatic discovery of one’s own character, identity, or nature, or that of someone else. Its use in literary criticism dates back to Aristotle, and the concept of anagnorisis is often associated with catharsis, the purging or purifying of one’s emotions or one’s renewal or restoration resulting in an abrupt change in emotion- catharsis is a favorite word of mine, too- as well as with peripeteia (another new word for me) which means â€Å"turning point.†How many words do I know now, after adding anagnorisis and peripeteia to my trove? I have no idea, but I can estimate. The active vocabulary of the average adult native speaker of English- that is, the number of words a person actually uses- is said to be about 20,000. (The average passive vocabulary- the number of words a person recognizes and knows the meaning of but does not use- is about twice that.) However, according to one source, a mere 25 words constitute about a third of our everyday writing, 100 words account for half of it, and 1,000 words constitutes nearly 90 percent of our writing vocabulary; our normal reading diet of journalistic and conversational written content may consist of as few as 3,000 words. Considering that I’m an editor and writer who enjoys studying etymology and reading the dictionary, I probably know several times that many words, but my total is likely still in the five-figure range. But why would anyone want to know that many words? I’ve never set out to learn about more words for the sake of achieving a vocabulary word count, but I appreciate being able to summon a specific term when a generic one just won’t do. But why would I ever use anagnorisis? In the context of discussing a literary work- whether one of the Great Classics or a comic book- I wouldn’t be satisfied with recognition, because it doesn’t quite capture the potency of self-discovery or of a cathartic peripetic moment in which one realizes that, for example, a supposed hero is a villain or (more intriguingly) vice-versa. English is replete with words we don’t use every day but we can summon to express a nuanced thought or to communicate an idea that otherwise must be explained in a phrase or with an entire sentence. (That is the great value of German words such as zeitgeist and weltanshauung.) Having such terms at hand is of great benefit when one attempts to write coherently and concisely. But, you might argue, most people don’t know what anagnorisis means, so hasn’t one failed to communicate when one uses such highfalutin vocabulary? My response: I’d most likely gloss, or briefly define, the word the first time I used it, and once I did, my readers would have an addition to their own word-hoard. In the same way, I benefit from reading content that may feature challenging wordcraft. There’s no shame in using basic vocabulary; many of the morphemic building blocks of this post and my others consist of one-syllable words any child knows, and it’s an interesting exercise to try to write a piece of content using only one-syllable words (though, if you want to emerge emotionally unscathed, start out with a two-syllable limit and work your way down). But finding just the right word for the job is a worthy goal for writers. (There has to be a word for that.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictHow Long Should a Paragraph Be?Dealing With A Character's Internal Thoughts
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Researching the Background Literature for Any Project
Researching the Background Literature for Any Project Background research refers to the process that a writer uses to gain knowledge about a topic she does not know about, or much about. In our digital world, all writers, whether they are students or professionals, have or can gain access to previously published and unpublished information about just about anything. The role of the science writer is to sort through the noise and summarize information for people who dont have that luxury, but practicing that technique can be helpful to anyone planning a future in a scientific discipline. Background research is the first step of all good scientific studies, including archaeological investigations, used as an example here. There are three main sources of information available to people who are writing research papers today: internet sources, brick and mortar libraries and museums, and people. Wikipedia, Science Blogs and News Reports These days, Wikipedia is a reasonable starting place for general background information, but there are other starting points that you may find more useful and reliable, such as science blogs and news reports. Be cautious and find out enough information about the news outlet or blog writer so that you can be confident of that reliability- is the blog writers biography available and is that person qualified; do they cite scholarly references in their articles; is the tone of their blog sensible and balanced. And wherever you start, dont stop there. The problem with those types of resources, is they are not peer-reviewed. The peer-review process requires that before a scientific paper is published, it is reviewed by one or more experts for its validity. The process has its faults: but science changes very slowly, and what a researcher believes in her heart today may be disproven tomorrow. What scientists get published in peer-reviewed articles are far more conservative, by and large, than what they say to a news reporter, in their classes, or in their own blogs. To create a balanced research report of your own, you need both types of information: What do the partisans believe about the findings right now, and what do other sources say about it. Finding Peer-Reviewed Literature How do you gain access to peer-reviewed literature? A lot of academic papers are locked up by the publishers with exorbitant prices for downloading a single article- US$25-40 is common. If you are a college student, you should have access to the electronic resources in the university library, which will include free access to that catalog. If you are a high school student or independent scholar, you may still be able to have use of the library; go talk to the library administration and ask them what is available for you. Once youve logged on to the university library, where do you try out your topic keywords? Of course, you can try the university catalog: but sometimes a less-structured approach works better. While Google Scholar is excellent, it returns results from a wide variety of disciplines. So, for example, if you are researching the term seasonality in Google Scholar, you find information about the stock market and tourism and atmospheric circulations. You can add additional keywords to narrow down your search such as domestication or archaeology, but you can also turn to specialized article databases in your subject area. On the Internet: Specialized Article Databases Specialized article databases are typically assembled by people who are experts in those fields and part of discipline-based societies. For archaeologists, some good anthropology-based databases include Anthropology Plus, AnthroSource, and the Annual Review of Anthropology, which has assembled bibliographic essays on discipline-specific topics. Other fields have the same sorts of databases, just search for article databases and add a keyword for your field of endeavor. The Annual Reviews collection has a treasure-trove of peer-reviewed syntheses of topics in all scientific disciplines, from Analytical Chemistry to Vision Science. There are many others that you may have access to at the university library, or available via your laptop for a yearly or monthly subscription. JSTOR is a subscription-based repository for hundreds of back-catalog journals; Lexis-Nexis has been a tool for news reporters seeking information on individuals for over 30 years; and there are many publisher-specific sources such as Elseviers Science Direct, Wileys Science Solutions, and Taylor Francis Online. Brick and Mortar: Society Museums and Libraries Another great source for information for background research is topic-specific libraries and museums. Chances are the local university has a Chemistry or Geography library; you may also find public science venues, such as local historical or genealogical societies. These libraries have selected the most important research books and journals in that field, and you might also find books and memoirs of local residents involved in the studies that dont make it into the top searches of Google. Best of all, you may well find a librarian with a voluminous memory. Sadly, many of the public societies are shutting their facilities because of budget cuts- so if you still have one, be sure to visit this fast-disappearing resource. State Offices Many states and provinces have governmental offices where information concerning local aspects of scientific research are stored. State level offices include Natural Resources, History, Archaeology, and Environmental offices. All of these include information that is available to professionals for assistance with their research and might be available to you even if you are not a professional. For example, if you are a working archaeologist in a particular state, you can almost certainly obtain access to the records, articles, reports, artifact collections, and maps kept at the State Archaeologist office; but these are not always open to the general public. It wont hurt to ask, and many of the records will be open to students. The University of Iowa maintains a list of National Association of State Archaeologist Offices. People: Oral History Interviews One often overlooked area of background research is the oral history interview. Find people who know about your topic and go talk to them. By all means, do your background research on the subject before you reach out to your potential contacts. Dont expect them to simply tell you all you need to know about a particular subject: come with some knowledge about the subject and be ready with some pertinent questions. To find people, use your local university again, and see if there is someone in the anthropology (or other) department who knows about or has studied your topic. Reach out to the librarian at the topic library and see if they know of a friendly resource you might chat with. For an archaeological research paper, amateur archaeologists and historians may be excellent sources of information, as might retired archaeologists who have conducted work on a site. Members of the general public who live in the area and long-time museum directors may recall when investigations took place. If you dont have access to the university, use Google Scholar to identify recent research, and then using email, approach the authors for insight. Who knows? An interview might be the capstone making your research paper the best it can be.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fin 301 slp module 02 (walmart) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fin 301 slp module 02 (walmart) - Essay Example ince the last five years so that’s why the price of 100 shares after one year will be higher but not very high due to lot of fluctuation in price but it will go higher as we can see the trend of the price since the last 6 months it is going up. By analyzing the trend of the share price it is expected that the price of Wal-Mart shares will go up but it will not go very high. This is because, from the past record, we have seen that the Wal-Mart share prices have been fluctuating but overall they have moved in a positive direction. That is why the prices will go up in a year and the future price of the shares will be much higher than of today’s price. The stock price is a little bit risky because of the fluctuating price that we have seen in the previous years so there is a risk involved in investing money in Wal-Mart shares because the return on investment is relatively high but the risk level is also high due to wild ups and downs in share price of Wal-Mart. There are lots of other investments that we can do in order to have a fixed rate of return or a positive return on our investments. We can invest in a treasury bond which is giving a constant return of 4% per year on our investments and there is no risk involved in investing in a treasury bond as it is issued by the government and we have a guaranteed rate of return because government cannot be bankrupt. Investing in a Treasury bond will save our investment but the return is low as there is no risk involved in it. On the other hand if we invest in Wal-Mart shares there is a risk involved in it but there is higher return while investing in Wal-Mart stocks. Although investing in a Treasury bond would give us secure returns but it would not yield high returns. Investing in Wal-Mart shares will increase our investment so the future value of shares will be higher as we have stated earlier and if we buy future shares we will get a good return on our investment. As the performance of Wal-Mart is outstanding in
Friday, November 1, 2019
Critical Literacy Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical Literacy Narrative - Essay Example As a Chinese person, learning English was not easy for me. First, I need to mention here that while one can find many people knowing English in the non-English countries, China is one such country where not many people know English. Even with the status of an international language, Chinese people are generally reluctant to learn English language and prefer to communicate with one another in the Chinese language both within China and outside. However, one cannot deny the importance of learning English language in the present age. Today, when globalization has reached its peak, learning English has become more of a condition than a choice. So I had to learn English anyway. I started learning English in the school. We started over with learning letters, then vovals, words, pronunciations, poems, lines, passages, and short stories. As I progressed through various classes in school, learning English became more and more thorough and detailed. In high school, I learned writing letters and essays. The more I wrote, the better I got at speaking and writing English. However, listening English and understanding native English people speak English was not easy for me because I had heard English being spoken in the Chinese accent in China. But I had to move over to the US for higher education. For this, developing competence in listening and understanding English in addition to other competencies was very important. I started developing competence in listening and understanding English in the British and American accent by watching Hollywood movies. I believe that Hollywood movies are a very good and informative source for people who want to learn English. Not only are these movies in native English accents, but the language actors use is the one we use in everyday life. So I get to learn English the way it is spoken by the native people in everyday life. As I learned English more and more, I learned that there is not one, but many accents of native English; there is an A merican accent, a British accent, and an Australian accent to mention a few. The first movie that sparked a motivation in me to learn English was Titanic. I totally loved that movie, but at the time when it was released, I couldn’t understand and enjoy it fully because of my limited knowledge of English. However, I was very motivated by the movie and wanted to learn English more in order to be able to enjoy such wonderful movies fully. I saw more English movies and over the passage of time, my competence in English language improved. The biggest challenge I experienced after moving to the US was understanding English in the native American accent. People found it hard to understand me and I found it hard to understand them. This complicated the matters for me manifolds as I not only faced the challenge of adjusting in the US, but also of understanding others and making myself understood. In order to live happily in a native English country, learning English is a must. Even pe ople who can speak English but not perfectly experience so many issues in the native English countries, what to talk of them who do not know English at all. â€Å"the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her†(Tan 506) are some of the difficulties commonly experienced
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